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 #1 - 13-10-2010 08:56:10

Busta Brain est un jeu de réflexion en flash créé par Ninja Doodle et proposant tout un tas de petits jeu demandent un minimum de logique pour les résoudre et passer au suivant. Il est quand même conseillé de connaitre l'anglais.

Flash non détécté

Plein Ecran / Télécharger SWF


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#0 Pub

 #2 - 13-10-2010 10:50:54

Passionné de Prise2Tete
Enigmes résolues : 42
Messages : 52

Bust aBrain

Au secours je suis bloqué au 32.
Aucune des 4 réponses proposées ne fonctionne.

 #3 - 13-10-2010 10:54:26

Sage de Prise2Tete
Enigmes résolues : 48
Messages : 3418
Lieu: Près de la mer

bista brain

C'est parce qu'il y a une petite astuce à trouver avant. wink

 #4 - 13-10-2010 19:10:20

Professionnel de Prise2Tete
Enigmes résolues : 49
Messages : 132

Bsta Brain

bloqué au 38... Pas très fort en anglais

 #5 - 13-10-2010 19:35:19

Hors d'u-Sage
Enigmes résolues : 49
Messages : 12,414E+3
Lieu: Rouen

Bustaa Brain

Pour la 38 :

Spoiler : Petit indice 1x signifie "une fois", comment ça se dit en anglais ?
Spoiler : Gros indice "une fois" sur une heure...
Spoiler : Réponse "Once upon a time" (il était une fois)

PS : acharne-toi, il n'y a que 39 niveaux lol Le dernier n'est pas évident... Il faut savoir que "déprimé" peut se dire Spoiler : "down" , et que "vrai" ou "correct" se dit Spoiler : "right" ... Ca donne une idée pour le reste smile

Podcasts Modern Zeuhl : http://radio-r2r.fr/?p=298

 #6 - 13-10-2010 19:59:24

Professionnel de Prise2Tete
Enigmes résolues : 49
Messages : 132

Busa Brain

fini! Merci Mths

 #7 - 15-03-2011 15:45:05


Bust aBrain

bloker o nvx 28 hmm

 #8 - 15-03-2011 16:41:47

Elite de Prise2Tete
Enigmes résolues : 49
Messages : 1923
Lieu: Somewhere in time...

Bussta Brain

C'est normal, t'es chez aol, regarde au dessus de toi, yoshi, il a free, il a tout compris ! lol
Ok je sors.

 #9 - 15-03-2011 17:14:23

Professionnel de Prise2Tete
Enigmes résolues : 23
Messages : 223

Bsuta Brain

j'ai honte mais bloqué au 26! ca tourne en rond toutes ces lumières ya un truc de plus à trouver?

 #10 - 15-03-2011 17:23:34

Elite de Prise2Tete
Enigmes résolues : 49
Messages : 1923
Lieu: Somewhere in time...

Busta Brai

N'ai pas honte je ne suis pas allé aussi loin ! Mais en regardant une vidéo de la solution, il faut juste allumer les lumières, par contre il y a un bouton caché derrière l'armoire (clic sur un livre)

 #11 - 16-03-2011 12:53:36

Professionnel de Prise2Tete
Enigmes résolues : 23
Messages : 223

Bussta Brain

la 32 est vraiment vicieuse!!!!

 #12 - 01-07-2015 15:13:21

miss cupcake

nusta brain

le niveau4 svp big_smilewinkroll je sais je suis nul

 #13 - 01-07-2015 21:35:32

Sage de Prise2Tete
Enigmes résolues : 49
Messages : 5,924E+3

Busta Brai

C'est énorme tongue

Et pour la suite B*W T*E


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:) :| :( :D :o ;) :/ :P :lol: :mad: :rolleyes: :cool:

Répondez (numériquement) à la petite énigme suivante : 

Un berger a 20 moutons, ils meurent tous sauf 12, combien en reste-t-il ?

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Mot clé (occurences)
Take 4 out 2 tee off (222) — Bustabrain solution (172) — Bustabrain (135) — Busta brain solution (135) — Solution bustabrain 2 (106) — Solution bustabrain (81) — Bustabrain 2 solution (52) — Bustabrain 2 level 20 (50) — Soluce bustabrain (47) — Bustabrain soluce (46) — Bustabrain 2 soluce (43) — Bustabrain 2 level 10 (41) — Take 4 out 2 tee off solution (39) — Busta brain (35) — Bustabrain level 5 (31) — Busta brain soluce (29) — Bustabrain 2 level 5 (28) — Bustabrain 2 level 27 (28) — Busta brain 2 solution (25) — Solution bustabrain 2 level 5 (19) — Solution busta brain 2 (19) — Bustabrain 2 lvl 10 (18) — Solution busta brain (17) — Bustabrain level 4 (16) — Soluce bustabrain 2 (16) — Busta brain 1 (15) — Brained lite solution (14) — Busta brain 2 soluce (14) — Bustabrain 2 (13) — Bustabrain level 8 (13) — Bustabrain 2 lvl 20 (13) — Bustabrain 3 walkthrough (12) — Bustabrain 2 lvl 5 (12) — Bustabrain 2 level 9 (12) — Level 5 bustabrain (11) — Aide bustabrain (11) — Soluce busta brain (10) — Bustabrain 3 (10) — Level 5 bustabrain 2 (9) — Brain soluce (9) — Bustabrain 2 niveau 20 (9) — Bustabrain 2 solution level 5 (8) — Level 20 bustabrain 2 (8) — Solution bust a brain (8) — Bustabrain 2 level 15 (8) — Solutions bustabrain (7) — Take four out two tee off (7) — Bustabrain 2 solution level 20 (7) — Bustabrain 2 level 12 (7) — Solution bustabrain jeux (7) — Soluces bustabrain (7) — Bustabrain 1 (7) — Bust a brain solution (7) — Busta brain solutions (7) — Bustabrain 2 level 8 (6) — Bustabrain solution level 8 (6) — Take 4 out 2 tee off bustabrain (6) — Bustbrain 2 walkthrough (6) — Bustabrain 2 level 19 (6) — Bustabrain 39 (6) — Soluce busta brain 2 (6) — Bustabrain 1 solution (6) — Bustabrain 2 level 5 solution (6) — Solutions bustabrain 2 (6) — Brained solution niveau 1 (6) — Bust a brain 2 level 5 (6) — Busta brain 3 walkthrough (5) — Bustabrain level 12 (5) — Bust a brain 2 solution (5) — Solution bustbrain 2 (5) — Soluce busta rain (5) — Bustabrain 2 30 (5) — Level 10 bustabrain 2 (5) — Bustabrain 2 niveau 10 (5) — Solution brained lite (5) — Astuce brain security (5) — Bustbrain 2 level 15 (5) — Bustabrain 2 level 30 (5) — Bustabrain soluces (5) — Solution bustabrain2 (5) — Bustabrain 2 lvl 27 (5) — Bustrabrain (5) — Bustabrain 2 lvl5 (5) — Bustabrain 2 level5 (5) — Brained solution (5) — Bustrabrain 2 walkthrough (5) — Astuce bustabrain 2 (5) — Bustabrain 2 level 15 solution (4) — Level 8 bustabrain (4) — Bustbrain 2 level 5 (4) — Busta brain 2 (4) — Solution jeu busta brain (4) — Bustabrain level 15 (4) — Soluce brained (4) — Brain security 27 (4) — Bustabrain 2 niveau 9 (4) — Soluce bustbrain (4) — Bustabrain soluce 26 (4) — Brain security level 25 (4) — Bustabrain level 28 (4) — Bustabrain lvl 5 (4) — Take 4out 2 tee off (4) — Solution take 4 out 2 tee off (4) — Bustbrain 2 level 10 (4) — Bustabrain niveau 4 (4) — Bustabrain 2 solution niveau 20 (4) — Brain security level 10 (4) — Bustabrain 2 lvl 8 (4) — Solutions bustbrain 1 (4) — Bustabrain 2 solutions (4) — Bustabrain 2 lvl 5 soluce (4) — Bustarain (4) — Bust a brain soluce (4) — Bust a brain solutions (3) — Bustabrain 2 walkthrough level 5 (3) — Reponse bustabrain2 (3) — Bustabrain 2 10 (3) — Brain security level 27 (3) — Bustabrain 32 (3) — Bustabrain2 level 20 (3) — Solution jeu brained (3) — Bustabrain niveau 20 (3) — Brain security niveau 7 (3) — Bustbrain level 38 (3) — Bustabrain 38 (3) — Bustbrain 2 level 27 (3) — Bustabrain 2 27 (3) — Bustabrain walkthrough jeux (3) — Bustabrain3 (3) — Bustabrain level 26 (3) — Solutions brained (3) — Bustabrain solution level 9 (3) — Busta brain reponse enigme (3) — Busta rain flash (3) — Take 4 out 2 tee off solution level 5 (3) — Bustabrain solution level 10 (3) — Solution bustabrain 1 (3) — Take 4 out 2 tee off busta brain (3) — Solution bustabrain level 5 (3) — Bustabrain 3 solution (3) — Brain security level 7 (3) — Bustabrain soluc (3) — Bustabrain 2 take 4 out 2 tee off (3) — Brain security 25 (3) — Bustabrain 2 soluce level 5 (3) — Soluce level 5 bustabrain 2 (3) — Bustabrain 2 lvl 9 (3) — Astuce bustabrain (3) — Soluce niveau 5 bustabrain 2 (3) — Soluce brain (3) — Busta brain 2 ??????????? (3) — Bustabrain 2 response (3) — Bustabrain2 level 5 (3) — Lvl 27 bustabrain 2 (3) — Bustbrain 2 level 20 (3) — Bustbrain 2 (3) — Bustabrain level 10 (3) — Resoudre just a brain 2 lvl 5 (3) — Bustabrain 2 lvl 30 (3) — Level 20 bustabrain (3) — Brain security niveau 8 (3) — Solution brained (3) — Bustabrain2video (3) — Bustabrain solution niveau 5 (2) — Bustabrain2 lev (2) — Bustabrain take 4 out 2 tee off (2) — Jeux brain security niveau 8 (2) — Busta brain astuce (2) — Bustabrain 2 walkthrough level 20 (2) — Soluce de busta brain (2) — Bustrabrain 2 (2) — Bust a brain 4 (2) — Solution bustabrain 3 (2) — Bustabrain 2 take 4 (2) — Level 15 bustbrain2 (2) — Brainedlite solution niveau 5 (2) — Bustabain level 12 (2) — Bustabrain 2 astuces level 12 (2) — Bustabrain 2 level 25 (2) — Bustbrain2 help (2) — Http://www.ninjadoodle.com/bustabrain-2- walkthrough/ la solution (2) — Brain security niveau 2 (2) — Bustrabrain2 (2) — Astuce busta brain (2) — Bustabrain 9 (2) — Bustbrain 2 level 9 (2) — Brained level 28 (2) — Bustabrain3 walkthrough (2) — Bustabrain 2 take 4 off 2 tee off (2) — Soluce bustabrain 2 level 5 (2) — Jeux brained niveau 1 (2) — Bustabrain level 17 (2) — Busta rain soluce (2) — Busta brain 2 level 5 (2) — ??????????? busta brain (2) — Bustabrain level 8 francai (2) — Bustabrain2 level 10 (2) — Resolution du jeu busta brain (2) — Level 12 bustbrain (2) — Bustbrain2 walkthrough (2) — Bustarain 1 (2) — Bustabrain 20 (2) — Bust a brain 1 (2) — Busta brain 2 indice numero 5 (2) — Bustabrain 2 19 (2) — Take 4 out 2 tee of (2) — Solution jeu bustabrain (2) — Bustabrain 2 astuce (2) — Solution du jeux bustabrain (2) — Bustabrain 2 level 5 soluce (2) — Bustabrain flash (2) — Bustabrain 2 solution niveau 10 (2) — Level 9 bustabrain 2 (2) — Bustabrain 2 soluce level 20 (2) — Solution de bustabrain en francais (2) — Busta brain solution 28 (2) — Busta brains 2 level 5 (2) — Walkthrough bustbrain 2 (2) — Bustabrain niveau 9 (2) — Take 4 out two tee off (2) — Busta brain level 39 (2) — Solution busta rain (2) — Busta brain 2 walkthrough (2) — Busta brain en francais (2) — Solution a bustabrain 2 (2) — Soluces de busta brain (2) — Bustabrain 2 niveau 30 (2) — Bustbrain (2) — Bustabrain 2 solution 9 (2) — Soluce bustabrain 2 lvl 5 (2) — Burstabrain (2) — Busta brain level 28 (2) — Busta brain 3 solution (2) — Bustabrain level 27 (2) — Bustabrain solution 2 (2) — Solution brain security (2) — Bustabrain en francais (2) — Bustabrain2 walkthrough (2) — Bustabrain 2 2 tee off (2) — Walkthrough bustabrain 2 level 15 (2) — Solution busta brain niveau 12 (2) — Bustabrain lvl4 (2) — Bustbrain1 (2) — Brain secutes solution niveau 8 (2) — Solution bustabrain niveau 8 (2) — Solution brained niveau 10 (2) — Busta brain 2 level 10 (2) — Bustabrain 2 leval 5 (2) — Take 4 out 2 tee off level 5 (2) — Solution bustabrain 2 lvl 5 (2) — Solution brain security niveau 25 (2) — Niveau 32 brain security (2) — Codebreaker busta brain solution (2) — Bust a brain (2) — Bustabrain level5 (2) — Niveau 27 brain security (2) — Busta brain 2 level 20 (2) — Bust a brain 2 take 4 out 2 tee off (2) — Solution bustabrain 2 level 27 (2) — Ninjadoodle soluce level 17 (2) — Busta brain1 (2) — Bustabrain 2 walkthrough (2) — Busta brain level 32 (2) — Soluces bustabrain 2 level 30 (2) — Bustabrain 2 soluces (2) — Bustabrain 2lvl 5 solutioon (2) — Busta brain 2 solution level 5 (2) — Bustarain 2 soluces (2) — Bustabrain soluce 8 (2) — Solution niveau 15 busta brain (2) — Busta brain 2 niveau 5 solution (2) — Bustabrain solutions (2) — Busta brain 2 solucion (2) — Bustbrain 2 walkthroug (2) — Bustabrain- solution lvl 5 (2) — Bustabain level 5 (2) — Solution de busta brain (2) — Brain security niveau 25 (2) — Bustbrain2 level 5 (2) — Bustarain+2 (2) — Bustabrain niveau 27 (2) — Bustbrain2 (2) — Solution level 5 busta brain 2 (2) — Solution niveau 10 bustabrain 2 (2) — Bustabrain take four out two tee off (2) — Bustabrain level 39 (2) — Bustabrain 27 (2) — Ninja doodle (2) — Solution de bustabrain (2) — Level 8 bustabrain 2 (2) — Jeu busta brain 2 solution (2) — Soluce bust a brain (2) — Bustabrain 2 level 23 (2) — Take 4 off 2 tee off (2) — Brain security level 14 (2) — Busta brain 1 solution (2) — Take 4 out 2 tee off bustabrain 2 (2) — Aide pour bustabrain (2) — Busta brain 2 niveau 5 (2) — Niveau 25 brain security francais (2) — Level 15 bustabrain (2) — Busta brain 3 (2) — Bustabrain lvl 8 (2) — Bustabrain 2 + level 20 (1) — Cheat level 12 bustabrain2 (1) — Bustrabrain soluce (1) — Busta-brain-2 level 5 (1) — Busta rain (1) — Reponse de busta brain 2 video (1) — Busta brain solution (1) — Busta brain solution take 4 out (1) — Solution busta brain 1 (1) — Bust a brain 2 soluce (1) — Bust a brain 2 level 5 solution (1) — Solution busta brain level 10 (1) — Take 4 out tee 2 off (1) — Bustabrain solution niveau 27 (1) — Take four out two tee off bustabrain (1) — Busta brain 20 (1) — Bustabrain 2 soluc (1) — Busta brain niveau 2 (1) — Solution de bust a brain (1) — Ninjadoodle busta brain 2 solution (1) — Solutions de bustabrain (1) — Bustbrain lvl26 (1) — Soluce level 5 bustabrain (1) — Brain busta astuce (1) — Solution de brained level 5 (1) — Busta brain 2 take off (1) — Level 5 bustbrain 2 (1) — Bustabrain 2 lvl 6 (1) — Bustabrain 2 lvl15 (1) — Brain security level 23 (1) — Bustbrain lvl 8 (1) — Solution jeu bustabrain 2 (1) — Bustabrain 8 (1) — Solution du jeu bust a brain games (1) — Solution niveaux bustabrain 2 (1) — Bustabrain 2level 5 (1) — Bustabrain 2 level 5 astuces (1) — Bustabrain full scren (1) — Bustabrain level 13 (1) — Solution bustabrain niveau 32 (1) — Busta brain solution 21 (1) — Enigm lvl 17 walkthrough (1) — Take 4 out 2 tee off solution niveau 10 (1) — Busta brain 3 solucion (1) — Busta brain solution 35 (1) — Bustabrain level 39 solution (1) — Bustabrain niveau 8 (1) — Bust brain 2 soluce (1) — Bustabrain 2 niveau 27 (1) — Soluce jeux bustabrain (1) — Busta brain level4 (1) — Bustabrai (1) — Bloque bustabrain 2 (1) — Bustebrain lvl 32 (1) — Soluce bustabrain 1 (1) — Soluces de bustabrai (1) — Niveau 20 bustabrain (1) — Bustabrain enigme 9 (1) — Solucion bustabrain3 (1) — Bustbrain2 level 27 (1) — Level 30 solution bustabrain 2 (1) — Bustabrain solution lvl 15 (1) — Bustabraing soluce (1) — Bustabrain 2 level 15 walkthrough (1) — Bustabain2 (1) — Bustbrain 2 walktrought (1) — All we need is brain solution (1) — Bustabrain soluce level 5 (1) — Bsta brain 2 level 10 (1) — Bust brain soluce (1) — Bustabrain level26 (1) — Bustabrain 2 soluce lvl 20 (1) — Buste a brain 2 soluce (1) — Busta brain level 4 (1) — Bustabrain 2 level 9 soluce (1) — Burstabrain 1 level 8 (1) — Bustabrain 2 level 10. (1) — Bustabrain 2 soluce take for out (1) — Take 4 out 2 tee off bustabrain level 5 (1) — Bustabrain 2 soluce 15 (1) — Solution busta brain niveau 8 (1) — Jeu busta brain 2 solution mouton (1) — Busta brain 32 (1) — Butsa brain walk through (1) — Bustarain 2 lvl 15 (1) — Busat brain (1) — Level 39 busta brain (1) — Soluce bustabrain 2 niveau 20 pas de son (1) — Bustabrain solution 5 (1) — Bustabrain+2+level+20+soluc (1) — Bustabrain level4 (1) — Jeu brain security niveau 20 (1) — Bustrabrain 2 level 10 (1) — Soluce de bustebrain (1) — Bustabrain 2 lvl 19 solution (1) — Bustabrain 2 level 27 soluce (1) — Busta brain 3 cheats (1) — T45ol (1) — Busta brains deux niveau 5 (1) — Bustabrain 2 soluces level 5 (1) — Busta brain! solutions (1) — Take 4 off 2 tee off bustabrain 2 (1) — Bustabrain 2 lvl 4 (1) — Bustabrain 2 level 12 c (1) — Bustabrain level 27 (1) — Bustabrain level10 (1) — Les reponses de busta brain (1) — Bustabrain solution 8 (1) — Burstabrain ??????????? (1) — Level 39 bustabrain (1) — Solution jeu bustabrain level 12 (1) — Bustbrain niveau 20 (1) — Solution jeux bustrabrain 2 (1) — Busta brain solucion (1) — Brain security 27 soluce (1) — Busta brain niveau 10 (1) — Solution bust a brain 2 (1) — Bustarajn (1) — Bustabrain 2 solution lvl 19 (1) — Brained niveau 10 (1) — Reponse du jeu bust abrain (1) — La reponse de busta brain (1) — Bustabrain 2 soluce level 27 (1) — Solution bustabrain niveau 26 (1) — Bustabrain 2 walkthrough fr (1) — Bustabrain 2 take 4 fr (1) — Busta brains 2 level 5 solution (1) — Solutin bustabrain 2 (1) — Bust a brain 2 level 9 (1) — Bustabrain 2 level 9 (1) — Bustabrain 2 niveau 12 pas de ninja (1) — Busta brain niveau 5 (1) — Solution bustabrain 2 19 (1) — Brained solution 20 (1) — Bustabrain level4 solution (1) — Astuces niveau 20 bustabrain 2 (1) — Solution bustabrain reponse (1) — Busta brain 2 level 17 (1) — Soluce bustabrain 2 niveau 8 (1) — Solution jeux bustabrain (1) — Bust a brain walktrough (1) — Bustabrain2 walk through (1) — Bustabrain 2 lvl20 (1) — Busta brain solution 38 (1) — Codebreaker bustabrain 2 (1) — Bustabrain niveau 5 (1) — Aide brained niveau 15 (1) — Bustrabrain level 4 (1) — Bustbrain lvl 5 (1) — Solution 10 bustabrain 2 (1) — Bustabrain reponse (1) — Solution bustabrai (1) — Bustabrain 2 solution level 12 (1) — Busta brain 1 level 38 (1) — Bust brain 2 walkthrough (1) — Walkthrough bustrabrain (1) — Bustabrain2 level 15 (1) — Solution bustabrain 2 level 4 (1) — Aide bustrabrain 2 (1) — Bustabrain3 walktrough (1) — Bloquer au jeu pushroll (1) — Busta brain 2 solve (1) — Bustabrai level 28 soluce (1) — Astuce bustabrain 2 level 4 (1) — Bust a brain level 8 (1) — Busta brain level 3 (1) — Bustabrain 2 tips (1) — Bustabrain 1 lvl 4 (1) — Bustabrain francais (1) — Solution du jeu busta brain (1) — Solution bustabrain 2 level 7 (1) — Solution niveau 12 bustabrain 2 (1) — Busta grain solution (1) — Solution bustabrain 8 (1) — Busta brain les solutions (1) — Push roll solution level 2-10 (1) — Bustabrain 2 reponse level20 (1) — Bustabrain solution lvl 2 (1) — Bustabrain niveau 3 (1) — Bustabrain soution (1) — Busabrain 2 lvl 5 (1) — Walkthrough bustabrain 3 (1) — Brain security 19 (1) — Level 17 bustabrain (1) — Bustabrain3 level 5 (1) — Busta brain solution level 5 (1) — Brained lite soluce (1) — Bustrabrain 3 (1) — Bust a brain level 5 (1) — Bustabrain 2 level 28 (1) — Busta brain solucion level8 (1) — Soluce du jeu brain security (1) — Soluce brain security (1) — Solutions brained niveau 8 (1) — Bustabrain 2 solution level 15 (1) — Take four out two tee off busta (1) — Jeu busta brain soluce (1) —

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